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Publications (Publikacje)

last articles

red. Jacek Abramczyk

Jacek Abramczyk: Parametric building forms rationalizing the incident direct solar irradiation, Building and Environment 2022, Volume 215, 108963. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14133582

J. Abramczyk, Folded Sheets as a Universal Material for Shaping Transformed Shell Roofs, Materials 2021, 14(8), 2051.

J. Abramczyk, Transformed Corrugated Shell Units Used as a Material Determining Unconventional Forms of Complex Building Structures, Materials 2021, 14(9), 2402.

Jacek Abramczyk: Transformed Shell Structures Determined by Regular Networks as a Complex Material for Roofing, Materials 2021, 14(13), 3582. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14133582

Jacek Abramczyk, Aleksandra Prokopska, Innovative Building Forms Determined by Orthotropic Properties of Folded Sheets Transformed Into Roof Shells, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 61 (2020) No. 2 June n. 204, pp. 111-124(14), 2020

Jacek Abramczyk, Symmetric Free Form Building Structures Arranged Regularly on Smooth Surfaces with Polyhedral Nets, Symmetry 2020, 12(5), 763. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12050763

Jacek Abramczyk, Aleksandra Prokopska, Symmetric Shape Transformations of Folded Shell Roofs Determining Creative and Rational Shaping of Building Free Forms, Symmetry, 2019

Jacek Abramczyk, Transformed Shell Roof Structures as the Main Determinant in Creative Shaping Building Free Forms Sensitive to Man-Made and Natural Environments, Buildings 2019, 9(3), 74. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings9030074

Jacek Abramczyk, Aleksandra Prokopska: Parametric Creative Design of Building Free-Forms Roofed with Transformed Shells Introducing Architect’s and Civil Engineer’s Responsible Artistic Concepts, Buildings 2019, 9(3), 58. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings9030058

Jacek Abramczyk, Aleksandra Prokopska: Responsive Parametric Building Free Forms Determined by Their Elastically Transformed Steel Shell Roofs Sheeting, Buildings 2019, 9, 46.

Jacek Abramczyk, Shell Free forms of Buildings Roofed with Transformed Corrugated Sheeting, Monograph, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, 2017.

earlier articles

red. Jacek Abramczyk

Shape transformations of folded sheets providing shell free forms for roofing, Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Shell Structures Theory and Applications, Gdańsk, Poland, 11–13 October 2017

Shape Transformations of Plane Folded Sheets for Shell Roofing (autorzy: Jacek Abramczyk 50%, Aleksandra Prokopska 50%),2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 471 082064

Integrated complex shell structures made up of effectively transformed flat folded sheets, Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 2016, 2, 121–132

Multi-segment shell structures, XVIII LSCE International Seminar of IASS Polish Chapter Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, 2012

Principles of geometrical shaping effective shell structures forms, JCEEA 2014, XXXI, 5–21

Swobodne formy budynków przekryte arkuszami blachy fałdowej, Materiały Budowlane, Nr. 540, 8/2017, s. 121-132

Building shells made up of bent and twisted flat folded sheets, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Advances and Trends in Engineering Sciences and Technologies, 2015, s. 233-238

Shaping Innovative Forms of Buildings Roofed with Corrugated Hyperbolic Paraboloid Sheeting, Procedia Engineering 2016, s. 60-65

Building Structures Roofed with Multi-Segment Corrugated Hyperbolic Paraboloid Steel Shells, Procedia Engineering, 2016, s. 1545-1550

Method for Parametric Shaping Architectural Free Forms Roofed with Transformed Shell Sheeting, IOP , 2017, Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 245 052026

Integrated complex shell structures made up of transformed flat folded sheets, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Guimaraes, Portugal, 2016, s. 297–298 (Abstracts)

Some examinations on behavior of profiled sheets freely twisted in a shell, XX LSCE International Seminar of IASS Polish Chapter Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, 2014

Parametric shaping of consistent architectural forms for buildings roofed with corrugated shell sheeting, JournalArchitecture Civil Engineering Environment 2017 s. 5-18

Innovative systems of corrugated shells rationalizing the design and erection processes for free building forms (autorzy: Jacek Abramczyk 50%, Aleksandra Prokopska 50%), Journal Architecture Civil Engineering Environment 2017 s. 29-40

Method for Parametric Shaping of Architectural Free Forms,(autorzy: Jacek Abramczyk 50%, Aleksandra Prokopska 50%), 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 471 0520752019 


red. Jacek Abramczyk
  1. Jacek Abramczyk, 2011, Geometrical shaping of spatial structures composed of the light guage shells, XVII LSCE International Seminar of IASS Polish Chapter "Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering", Łódź , 2 Dec, 2011, 02.12.2011 (oral)
  2. Jacek Abramczyk, 2012, New possibilities of form shaping light steel gauge Shell, 58 Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN oraz Komitetu Nauki PZITB "Infrastruktura komunikacyjna: nauka, praktyka, perspektywy rozwoju, problemy naukowe budownictwa" Rzeszów KRYNICA'2012, 16- 21 września, (oral).
  3. Jacek Abramczyk, 2012, Multi-segment shell structures, XVIII LSCE 2012 International Seminar of IASS Polish Chapter "Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering", 7 December 2012, Warsaw, (oral).
  4. Jacek Abramczyk, 2012, Free forms of light gauge steel shell structures, XVIII LSCE 2012 International Seminar of IASS Polish Chapter "Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering", 7 December 2012, Warsaw, (oral ).
  5. Jacek Abramczyk, 2013, Specifitciy of shaping light gauge steel shells, : ICSA 2013: The 2nd Conference on Structures and Architecture, 2013.07.24-2013.07.26, Guimaraes, Portugalia, (oral).
  6. Jacek Abramczyk, 2013, A way of shaping light gauge shell structures by putting auxiliary tetrahedral compositions together, Lightweight structures in civil engineering: contemporary problems : monograph from Scientific Conference of IASS Polish Chapters, XIX LSCE 2013, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn 6 December, (oral).
  7. Jacek Abramczyk, 2013, Peculiar Properties of Ruled Surfaces Useful in Shaping Light Gauge Steel Shells, Beyond the limits of man: proceedings of the IASS 2013 Symposium, Wrocław, Poland, 23-27 September 2013, (oral).
  8. Jacek Abramczyk, 2013, Deployable Bar Structures of Trapezoidal Type as Supports for Light Gauge Steel Shells, Beyond the limits of man: proceedings of the IASS 2013 Symposium, Wrocław, Poland, 23-27 September 2013, (oral).
  9. Jacek Abramczyk, 2013, A way of shaping light gauge shell structures by putting auxiliary tetrahedral compositions together, XIX LSCE 2013 Scientific Conference of IASS Polish Chapters "Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering Contemporary Problems", 2013.12.06-2013.12.06, Olsztyn, Polska,, (oral ).
  10. Jacek Abramczyk, 2014, Shaping of general forms of shell structures with polyhedral approximaties, Lightweight structures in civil engineering: contemporary problems, XX LSCE 2014: monograph from Scientific Conference of IASS Polish chapters, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, 25-28 September, (oral).
  11. Jacek Abramczyk, 2014, Some examinations on behavior of profiled sheets freely twisted in a shell, Lightweight structures in civil engineering: contemporary problems, XX LSCE 2014: monograph from Scientific Conference of IASS Polish chapters, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, 25-28 September, (udział kandydata 100%, czynny wygłosił).
  12. Jacek Abramczyk, 2015, Freely bent and twisted building covers, The International Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technologies, 2015.05.27-2015.05.29, Tatranska Strba , Słowacja, (oral ).
  13. Jacek Abramczyk, 2015, Architectural systems of buildings defined morphologically by their shell roof forms, Lightweight structures in civil engineering: contemporary problems: XXI LSCE 2015, Rzeszów, 4 December, (Prokopska A. (33,34%), Abramczyk J. (oral 33,33%), Gotkowska E. (33,33%).
  14. Jacek Abramczyk, 2015, Consistent architectural forms of buldings determined by free forms of their shell roof, Lightweight structures in civil engineering: contemporary problems: XXI LSCE 2015, Rzeszów, 4 December, (Prokopska A. (33,34%), Abramczyk J. (oral  3,33%), Śnieżek A. (33,33%).
  15. Jacek Abramczyk, 2015, Kształtowanie powłokowych przekryć dachowych za pomocą powierzchni prostokreślnych, IX Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna "Kształtowanie konstrukcji. Konstrukcje cienkościenne", 2015.09.11-2015.09.12, Rzeszów, (udział kandydata 100%, oral ).
  16. Jacek Abramczyk, 2016, Shaping innovative forms of buildings roofed with corrugated hyperbolic paraboiled sheetings, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, 2016.06.13-2016.06.17, Prague , Czechy, (udział kandydata 100%, oral ).
  17. Jacek Abramczyk, 2016, Building structures roofed with multi-segment corrugated hyperbolic parboloid steel shells, World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium, 2016.06.13-2016.06.17, Prague , Czechy, (udział kandydata 100%, oral ).
  18. Jacek Abramczyk, 2016, Integrated complex shell structures made up of effectively transformed flat folded sheets, 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture, 2016.07.27-2016.07.29, Guimaraes , Portugalia (udział kandydata 100%, oral ).
  19. Jacek Abramczyk, 2017, Parametric shaping of architectural free forms for building roofed with corrugated shells, Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering. Contemporary Problems, XXIII LSCE, Bydgoszcz: UNIWERSYTET TECHNOLOGICZNO-PRZYRODNICZY IM. JANA I JĘDRZEJA ŚNIADECKICH W BYDGOSZCZY, (Prokopska A. (50%), Abramczyk J. (oral ).
  20. Jacek Abramczyk, 2017, Shape transformations of folded sheets providing shell free forms for roofing, 11th International Conference "Shell Structures: Theory and Applications", 2017.10.11-2017.10.13, Gdańsk, (oral ),
  21. Jacek Abramczyk, 2017, Swobodne formy budynków przekryte arkuszami blachy fałdowej, 63. Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN oraz Komitetu Nauki PZITB, 2017.09.17-2017.09.22, Krynica-Zdrój, (oral).
  22. Jacek Abramczyk, 2019, WMCAUS - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Prague. 
  23. Jacek Abramczyk, Symmetric Shape Transformations of Folded Shell Roofs Determining Creative and Rational Shaping of Building Free Forms, 2019 Symmetry-Basel, Conference in Spain (oral).
  24. Jacek Abramczyk, Symmetric Free Form Building Structures Arranged Regularly on Smooth Surfaces with Polyhedral Nets, 2019 Symmetry-Basel, Conference in Spain, (oral)..
  25. Jacek Abramczyk, Shell Structures: Theory and Applications Volume 4. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference "Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, (SSTA 2017), October 11-13, 2017, Gdansk, Poland, (oral).

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